Monday, November 14, 2016


So I had been debating with myself on whether or not I should blog about the election issues….and had almost talked myself out of it, but because it’s been weighing on me so heavily I figured – why not? What’s one more opinion?


It’s not like it matters much what I think anyway. From all I’ve been reading lately, white Christian opinions don’t matter if I chose not to vote the way that you wanted me to.
I’m just one person. One voice. One voter. After all, a vote for Trump means that I am a racist, sexist monster with no soul.


As a nation, we have become consumed with political correctness, and in that process have completely shut out the voices and concerns of over half of our citizens.
The ‘silent majority’ of Americans tip toe around important issues, live in constant fear of offending someone, and remain silent- especially when we disagree on the subject matter.

Have you ever wondered why?


Are we silent because, as a nation, we are encouraging an equal give and take of communication between our citizens?
Maybe our silence is because, we the people, are respectful and tolerant of our neighbor’s point of view, even when we don’t agree?
Or are we silent because we patiently hear one another out and try to understand where each is coming from and why they feel the way they do, without attacking them?


No. We remain silent because speaking up typically results in being unfairly labeled, ridiculed, belittled and demoralized.
Which brings us to the “shocking” results of our present Election Day.


Would the results of Election Day have been as surprising if we had given all citizens the opportunity to speak their beliefs without attacking or labeling them? Who knows!


Election Day is really the only time a citizen can let their voice be quietly heard on issues that affect us all, without fear of offending someone, or fear of retribution. Voting should be a personal decision and privilege for each and every American. NO ONE should go into a voting booth and be in fear of what will happen to them when they come out.

I am a Christian white woman who voted for Trump.


Does this mean I am racist and sexist? No.
Does it mean that I was 100% comfortable voting for him and think the things he says are totes adorbs? No.
Did I feel like I had another choice? No.
So before YOU tell me why I voted for him, how about *I* tell YOU the reasons why I voted for him. After all, since I am me, I think I know my reasons better than anyone else does.

For starters, I am 100% absolutely, completely, unapologetically and irrevocably AGAINST the legalization of partial birth abortions.


There is not an argument to be had that can convince me that it is either necessary or okay to kill a baby up to a week before its birth!
We are talking about a completely viable life inside of a woman’s body, and I feel a moral obligation to be a voice for these precious little lives, even when their own mothers don’t want to.


Although I strongly oppose all abortion, I can at least understand why some women might choose to go that route, depending on the situation they are in, but to wait until the 9th month is both barbaric and unforgivable.
As a mother who has carried 3 lives inside my body, I am horrified that any mother doesn’t see a problem with this issue. Feeling your baby move inside you in the final weeks before birth is one of the most special, incredible moments an expectant mother can have!


There is absolutely no question that there is a viable life inside of you, ending that life is not an “abortion” at that point, it is MURDER.
To legalize this type of murder under the pretense that the ‘government is trying control your body’ and stand on the platform that the government shouldn’t be able to tell you what to do with your body, left me feeling a little cold and stunned. Why? Because, like it or not, there are 2 separate people and bodies we are dealing with.
When I listened to Hillary speak about this issue, I was speechless. Watch.
How could this woman and mother manipulate this issue and turn it into some type of power struggle between a woman and the government? How far is too far? At what point do we say, "THIS IS WRONG!" ??
I mean if a drunk driver kills a pregnant mother, it’s considered a double homicide!
Where is the consistency in our laws? Either the life matters or it does not!
We all gasp at the horror when hearing about new mothers throwing their infants in a dumpster with the umbilical cord still attached, so I ask you – how is this any different?
I always hear ‘what if the mother’s life is in danger?’ and to that I say, you would have known that way before the 9th month, and even if you didn’t – there are tons of medical advances, and btw it’s not 1890…C-sections are a thing now.
So does it bother me that 12 years ago Trump said he could grab women by their pussy? Not as much as it bothers me that Hillary wants to legalize partial birth abortions right now. Oh and if you don’t know what it really means to have a partial birth abortion - please go google for yourself. I can't even bring myself to display the heartbreaking images....but here is a picture:
Ok moving on from that subject!! Border control.


Do I want to enforce our current immigration laws? YES. Does that mean I hate immigrants? NO.


We are all products of immigration!! Wanting to enforce our current laws and have immigrants go through a process of becoming a legal citizen does not mean I hate them! It means I want them to become a fellow US citizen and share this great country with me...LEGALLY! What I don't understand is why it is such a horrible thing to speak about? How does addressing this issue make anyone racist?
Do I think Trump is an eloquent speaker? NO. But remember - he's not a politician and needs A LOT of work on his speech delivery methods.
Do I think it makes sense to have a wall at the border? YES. Why? Because there is no other way to control the flow of who is coming in and out of our country. Does that mean nobody can come in or get out? NO. Just do it legally! Pretty much all countries have rules about this! (that they enforce!).
Do I think Hillary used a Fear Mongering tactic in her debate when she said Trump was going to drive through your neighborhoods and snatch up mom and dad from home and deport them while their kids were asleep? YES. It was ridiculous.

Now I don't pretend to be an expert on any of this - but I guess what I don't understand about this whole issue is that if the people know they are here illegally, why were steps never taken to become a legal citizen? It's ok to break the law and be here illegally, but it is racist and wrong to enforce current laws and deport if they do not want to become a citizen or get a green card?? THIS MAKES NO SENSE.


Radical Islamic Terrorism / Syrian Refugee crisis.
Is this an issue? YES. Does it mean I am an Islamaphobe? NO. Do I think that some really really bad people will try to take advantage of this program and sneak in? YES. Do I think there is any logical way that the government can screen hundreds of thousands of these people and know without a shadow of a doubt that they are not dangerous? NO. Do I think there is a better way to help? YES.
I agree with Trump - help them in a safe zone area OUTSIDE of the USA and supply them with food, medicine and protection. Why take the chance of bringing them here and putting our citizens at risk if there is a better way??


I could go on all night - but my final point on this is that we don't even properly take care of our own Veterans - and I am sick and tired of taking care of everyone else before we take care of them. They have made the ultimate sacrifice and sometimes paid the ultimate price. They should be treated like the heroes they are and their families should be well taken care of before we even THINK about helping other countries.


So am I scared about Trump being President? Welllllll I'm a little nervous.


Do I think he can get away with all of the things people are worried about? NO. There are far too many of us to hold him accountable. Do I think he needs lessons in tact? Absolutely. Do I think Hillary was the better choice? HELL NO. And that is material for a whole different kinda blog. LOL. Do I think Bernie Sanders would have been a better Democratic candidate? YES.

So there is a brief summary of where I stand. And I am proud to be in a country where I can express my opinions.
I hope to also one day be able to talk with my fellow Americans and try to see each other's point of views and respect the right we each have to our own opinion without the name calling, belittling and pulling each other out of our cars and beating each other up when we don't agree.
I detest violence.
All Lives Matter. All Opinions Matter. NOW CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG??