Friday, October 20, 2017


I’ve never been a very political person, but being a concerned citizen of our great country, I’d like to share some things I've learned from the Hollywood scandal. So grab some popcorn and try not to get your panties in a wad.

1. This Weinstein scandal only further confirms that influential people have the ability to control the media. NO ONE should have the power to tell a news reporter what or what not to publish....and when entertainers such as Matt Damon or Russell Crowe are successful in pulling it off, you would have to be a complete nitwit to think politicians (of all parties) do not, are not, and have not done this. When the news we see can be manipulated - we should all be concerned, regardless of political affiliation.

2. Every time something is happening that should concern American citizens....the news gets preoccupied with another topic which completely dominates the limelight. When was the last Las Vegas massacre update you heard?? It’s like an Easter egg hunt trying to find updates on it because all news stations, social media outlets and radio shows are preoccupied with the Weinstein scandal. Weinstein’s behavior was widely known in Hollywood for decades!! How convenient for it to be ‘breaking news’ just one or two days after all the inconsistencies in the Vegas massacre were starting to be noticed. I don’t know if Weinstein was just a lamb to the slaughter to distract us from more sinister and disturbing news, or if Hollywood *just now* decided to grow a conscience (even if it did happen on the coattails of a tragedy and basically overshadowed the victims of the Vegas shootings). But either way. That timing though.

3. Hollywood film stars, who are made famous by their uncanny ability to convincingly portray a wide variety of different complex characters found in their scripts, should NOT be who Americans turn to for political, personal or spiritual advice. I totally get that they are believable, beloved household faces….some whose faces we see more often than our own family members…but that doesn't mean you can trust them!! They are highly paid human beings who are great at faking emotions, opinions, outrage & a multitude of diverse personalities in front of a crowd, for profit. I mean seriously y’all, they literally make a living by pretending to be someone else! To have a platform, and then use it preach to the public about gun control (while relying on armed guards for their safety), misogyny & sexual abuse (while protecting their own perpetrators for decades) & then try to shame half the country because they do not agree with who they exercised their freedom to vote for as our president is laughable. The Weinstein scandal should prove to you that they don't care about what's wrong or right....they are all about money & power. The excuses I’ve heard about being “afraid” that they wouldn't be able to work again in the industry, are lame. If you are so against this type of behavior, why would you want to work in that industry? How about standing up to that type of behavior, going public about the perpetrators and if you can’t find work in Hollywood go get a normal job like the rest of us….or is it beneath you to work hard and earn a modest, yet honest living? Don't preach to me during your women's march on D.C. about Trump, whom many elected bc of the promise of creating more American jobs so they can put food on *their* tables, all while covering up literally countless acts of these types of crimes from men whom you protected and kept silent about because you were trying to put food on *your* table. Oh and let’s not forget the fact that Bill Clinton, an alleged rapist, was elected twice despite his shady reputation, then disgraced the oval office with Monica Lewinsky which brought the shame on the entire country and ruined cigars forever then went on to be awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Obama, without a peep of disapproval from Hollywood. REALLY?

4. Thousands of women (& men) come forward all the time with accusations of rape & sexual harassment. But to keep it specific to high profile cases, let’s start with the following:
Corey Feldman - who bravely disclosed personal stories about powerful Hollywood men who raped and assaulted kids in the industry and bravely came forward to tell the world that Hollywood’s biggest problem was pedophilia- yet he was told by Barbara Walters that he was damaging an entire industry, and after telling authorities, he was issued a gag order and has been unable to publicly expose the perpetrators without being arrested himself, for the crimes of others. No one was ever punished. And no one from Hollywood came to Feldman’s defense.
Anita Hill who accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment, and even took a lie detector test to prove it, while Thomas opted out, and her results were deemed “unreliable” even though they were consistent with her story, but she still ended up being discredited, and then Thomas was elected to the U.S. Supreme Court. Where was the outrage from Hollywood?
Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones,Kathleen Willey - all accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment / rape…we all know those stories well yet we elected him president (twice!) .... he then went on to act inappropriately while president with the young Monica Lewinsky... but Bill Clinton is a hero to the Democrats....even with documented proof of his creepy trips to a place nicknamed “orgy island” with a convicted child sex offender!
Hillary Clinton - besides hanging out with some seriously creepy perps & being married to one on the recommendation that Mahlon Gibson, a Washington county prosecutor, gave to Judge Maupin Cummings because apparently the accused rapist wanted a woman lawyer to defend him, fought for and won the case against a 12 year old child who had accused him of rape. In her book “Living History,” Clinton even said the following “I told Mahlon I really didn’t feel comfortable taking on such a client, but Mahlon gently reminded me that I couldn’t very well refuse the judge’s request.” Yes - God forbid you put the feelings and well-being of a 12 year old little girl in front of a powerful judge, Hillary, especially since you are such a champion of women's rights and protecting the innocent.

5. So now....Hollywood actresses are deciding to come forward with literally decade’s worth of stories, the #metoo movement is all the craze, which means we are now supposed to honor them all for being so brave. Even if I overlook the fact that most waited 20+ years to come forward, they are now doing so with tons of support from their colleagues and the media, which has started a bandwagon effect & makes it look more trendy than brave. In my opinion it would have been a lot braver to come forward and expose the sicko’s when no one else was. But why now? Was Hollywood so upset that Trump won, despite the allegations against him and the efforts that were taken to write him off as a misogynistic pig? We all heard countless numbers of celebrities speak out on Trump’s behavior during the Women’s march on Washington, which happened IMMEDIATELY following his inauguration, but they are waiting decades to speak out on their own industry perverts? I mean, if they cared so much about these types of issues, why were they not rallying up and marching against the treatment of women in Hollywood? What do they have to gain by coming forward now? Because the timing of when they started to give a shit about sexual harassment sure seems iffy. Is this some type of effort to reprogram their approach on this subject so that they can more successfully sway public opinion on Trump when he runs again, so that more people will be outraged when new and improved rape accusations are brought up against him? And what about all the other women of the past who stood up all alone and accused powerful men of sexual harassment and rape? Do they get an apology from the world? What about the famous men who have been implicated in these crimes? Can Hollywood & co. admit that Bill Clinton was their equivalent of Trump?
6. I'm just gonna address the elephant in America. Anyone else think it's weird that Bill Clinton, a white man, gets away with his crimes and even gets a medal & Harvey Weinstein, a white man, freshly accused of dozens of sexual assault and rape charges - gets to leave the country for rehab, yet no left wing liberal is screaming about white privilege?

Ok I'll shut up for now. Keep your eyes open sheeple.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


This will probably be an unpopular blog. Why? Because any female who is not pro-choice, pro gender-equality & pro feminist movement is dismissed and ridiculed.

Disclaimer - There are obviously multiple points of views out there - but this is my blog so it will be from my own 'married with children' point of view.
I am one of those crazy women that would have been more than happy in the 1950’s playing the happy housewife who cleaned, cooked dinner, baked pies, took care of the kids and made sure to have a cigar waiting for my husband when he got home. I would even probably have pretended to enjoy looked forward to rubbing his tired feet. I can’t even begin to imagine a lifestyle where those are my only responsibilities, and it was only up to my husband to work full time and worry about how to make ends meet. SCORE!

But this lifestyle can never be a reality for a lot of women these days due to feminist movements that advocated for women to join the workforce.

So women entered the workforce, and have continued to remain there... yet, still have the same responsibilities of maintaining home and family (because equality), which can be especially tough for single mothers, and women who have husbands that work offshore or away from the home a lot. Not everyone has been as fortunate in this department as I have been - so this is not me doggin my hubby ;)
I’m not entirely sure if over the years men decided they liked the idea of a dual income, or if the economy changed in such a way that made it necessary for women to have to work – but all I know is that in current times it is now expected & usually financially necessary for most women to work full time, even after having children and trying to raise their families. This of course has resulted in outrageous daycare bills that has major impacts on a family's bottom line. And for those who can't afford daycare, the infamous "latchkey kids", which can be dangerous on many levels but can also be bad because a kid who has way too much time on their hands and little supervision often spells trouble.

But anyway - there really isn’t much that separates a man and a woman in the workplace.

Except for salary, of course.
And title.
And Maternity leave.

I’ve worked in Human Resources before, and I can tell you for a fact that employers don’t love it when a woman announces that she is pregnant. Why? Because now the company has to worry about who will perform her job functions while she is gone, if she will even come back to work after her baby is born, and how many sick days she will use for the child in the future.
Keeping in mind that some women are single moms and do not have any help from anyone, or a woman has a husband who also works full time and doesn't have the flexibility to help....women now not only have to worry about maternity leaves, training a replacement, finding someone trust worthy & affordable to watch her child, having enough time off to care of her child when he or she gets sick, but now she also has to worry about looking bad to her employer because she has to juggle being an employee and being a mother. And don’t even get me started on the guilt a working mother has to shoulder when they start missing their child’s major milestones, holiday parties, & other functions, but most of all - having to disappoint their child.

So now women work full time…for less money, are full time mothers, & are more stressed out than ever.
Thanks Feminist movement!

Another wonderful thing we can thank Feminists for is the right to join the military. Although I personally have no desire to be a female in the military, I have absolutely no problem with women who want to join... until I'm lumped in with those women in the spirit of gender equality. So because some females wanted to join, now all females are at risk to be drafted. Even if it hasn’t happened yet, the talks are already there and it is probably just a matter of time before it affects our daughters.
While I’m sure that prospect thrills women in the feminist movement, it makes me furious. Why? Because these “Feminists” do not represent all women and they should NOT speak for an entire gender.

I’ve always been more than happy to have men open doors for me, I take it as a sign of respect and not a gesture that I am weak. OBVIOUSLY men realize we are more than capable of opening it ourselves, and they are trying to be nice! I hold doors open for people too, that doesn't make me a pig. I love when my husband or son takes out the garbage, because ew. I don’t want to mow the damn lawn, & I am not physically strong enough to do all the heavy lifting, so am more than happy to have a big strong man come to my aid. I would love to stay home, do laundry, cook, clean & look after my kids. I am a woman. I have no interest in being a man and doing manly things. I like manicures, pedicures, romantic comedies, pretty dresses, and being treated like a lady.

It is possible to be pro-women’s rights & NOT be a “feminist”. I respect the hell out of the women from the Women's suffrage movement, who risked it all to give all women the right to vote.
and I honor them by voting every chance I get.
No I don't think it’s fair that men get paid higher salaries, are more likely to get promotions, and don’t have to worry about the stigma that a pregnancy brings to them in the workplace. Although I would be more than happy to sit it out and let my husband climb the ladder while I stay home, since I’m in the workforce, I think it should be fair. Discrimination has no business in the workplace.
I think companies need better poilicies that allow for balance between work and family, including increased sick time for both parents, but especially for mothers. But that doesn’t mean I resent being a woman, or think every little thing that happens is an attack on femininity. So in the past, there were women who wanted to work full time, & join the military - which redefined expectations for all women....and now there are women who want the right to legally abort all their babies & advocate to diminish the differences between the men and the women – well, ok GO FOR IT…..but don't do it under the umbrella of a feminist movement. It isn’t fair to the rest of us women, who don’t agree with your views, don't share your same priorities and don't want to be directly affected by your “progress”.

I don’t think I’m less of a woman, or should have no say in women’s rights, just because I enjoy cooking a meal for my family, filling stereotypical female roles, and believe that boys and girls are different and should be treated differently. I don't think I'm less of a woman because I believe that the stereotypical female role is important and a lot of today's problems stem from adults who were neglected as children. I feel that the traditional role of what a wife and mother should be are every bit as important to society as tax free tampons. I resent the “feminist” women who tell me that I’m being oppressed and enslaved by societal stereotypes because I let my husband lead our household, or buy my daughter a baby doll, or because I don’t believe that abortion should be a form of birth control, or because I don't think it's cool to sign a girl up for boy scouts. I resent the “feminist” women who attack my belief system because it is different from what they believe. Women already have enough to worry about, but the fact that women are now being belittled & attacked by the “feminist” women who think they are somehow our superior in terms of morality is just hypocritical and sick. You can’t say you are fighting for women’s rights while attacking and shaming fellow women who don’t agree.

So while I think there are totally a lot of issues women should come together on, it's awfully hard to do when we are attacked for what we don't agree on. To all these women who keep trying to “speak for women” – shut up! You might be louder, more obnoxious and way more opinionated than I am ….but you do not speak for me. And even though there’s no chance in hell that you will ever catch me sportin’ a uterus hat...
I am still a woman, I’ve got my own opinions and I do NOT have to agree with you. There really should be another name for this modern day "women's rights" movement, because if you don’t speak for all women, then you aren’t speaking for women.

Oh, and I’m sorry you are a girl…but .there are medical procedures that you can take advantage of that will help you take care of that.