Do I think God is BIG enough and CAPABLE of reaching Kanye’s soul and transforming his life? Absolutely.
Do I think that is the reality of the situation?
Welllllllllll…… on this we might not agree….YET.
SAYING THIS LOUD FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK: I am not going to pretend to know someone else’s heart and maybe Kanye is 100% legit chasing after God and if that is the case – he will have my full support.
A few things strike me as odd about the whole KANYEMANIA that has taken the world by storm.
Kanye’s “Sunday Service” is an exclusive star studded event that is all the rave right now! I mean, Brad Pitt, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have even been in attendance!!
Nothing screams Christianity louder than having an A list celebrity following, signing non-disclosure agreements & wearing matching
It’s also being reported that thousands of souls are being saved.
I mean, with all this positive press, it's no wonder that all the Christians are singing a little bit louder in the shower and pulling out their credit cards to purchase some Jesus merch. AMIRIGHT Y'ALL?
More people are apparently getting saved at one Kanye West Sunday Service than they are in an entire year at a regular Church!
And it only costs between $20.00-$30.00 to go get yourself saved (or even $100.00 depending on how close up to YEEZUS you want to sit) but please keep in mind that tickets sell out VERY QUICKLY and you can only purchase 4 tickets per household so if you have more than 2 kids, sorry - but you gots to leave one behind with a sitter. And did I mention you have to pay to go to Kanye's Sunday Service to hear the free word of God and get saved?
What a deal!
Now you can even purchase your very own JESUS IS KING sweatshirt off of Kanye's website for the very low price of $250.00.
Or if you prefer the bargain sweatshirt, this one is a steal at $170!!
Just pop on over to his website for more fun fashion options the whole family can enjoy. And remember.....nothing says I LOVE JESUS more than commercialization.
Although Kanye's album apparently is amazing and every single song has made it to the Billboard's 100 list, I have yet to hear any of his songs on the radio. Did everyone run to ITunes and purchase this album?
How did every single song make it on the 100 list without regular airtime?
Every. Single. Song.
Even On God.(have you read the lyrics to ON GOD?) I don't know how it all works. Really I don't. But it seems like a propgandy publicity stunty to me. (And yes I just made that word up.)
I just can't put my finger on exactly what it is about Kanye that strikes me as blasphemous and makes me hesitant to jump aboard the train based off his latest claims (and prices).
But I'm paying attention to see where this all leads.
1 John 4:1 - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
That's all.