Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Those who suck usually don't fall far from the tit

Ok. Maybe I'm back by popular demand....or maybe it was the sad look in my mother's eyes after I said the word "Tit" on face book....you pick....but the time has come for me to be able to let the free thinking flow and say TIT when I want to. so TIT. TITTY. Damn that feels good. No words. No judgement. Just me. Raw. Unedited. Made for E-Blogger. It all started when I posted a status on face book that said "Those who suck usually don't fall far from the TIT". Well come on people it's true. School shootings, school stabbings, throwing pancakes at cute girls, stabbing pencils into the arms of those who accidentally bump into them in the hallway. It all leaves me cold, upset, and hungry. If one more news update makes me stress eat I might go postal. And by postal I mean grab a handful of M&M's and throw them violently back into the jar because I can't eat them....I'm on a cleanse!! Wahhhh!!! Ok - clearly I've wandered from my point. Yes. I said Tit. But why did I say it? Because somewhere from breast feeding a precious baby and ... well ... life - grew an adolescent that thinks it's ok to go into school and murder his classmates; or has no problem chunking pancakes at a random stranger; or thinks that stabbing a classmate is ok because they "Pissed him off"; or thinks that jabbing a pencil into someone who said "sorry" for bumping them in the hallway is a great decision. How does that happen? How do these kids go from tiny helpless infants - to soulless monsters?? Is it Nature? Is it Nurture? Is it Grand Theft Auto? All I know is that Yes. I say the word TIT when I get angry. Because either they were violently ripped from the tit while they were babies and thrown into the woods to be raised by wolves.....or they were indulged and undisciplined as kids and grew into these fun lil demons with no conscience.....OR maybe they inherited the Asshole gene and they get allowance from pop for every kid he hurts. Bottom line....something is going wrong somewhere. I personally think that this is what happens when you kick God out of the schools....but I know plenty of christians with cute lil bundles of demonly joy as well. Ok - well I have to pee....so tata for now.

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