Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas flew by!

Another Christmas Season has officially ended! But I have to ask....when did it begin? The whole season literally iceskated by me this year! I didn't get a chance to take the kids around the neighborhood to see all the Christmas lights, which was a Stroud family tradition!! The kids didn't notice though....they were so fascinated by our yard. Daddy (aka Clark Griswold) decorated like a champ, even had the lights on the house dancing with the really loud Christmas music outside. I'm sure the neighbors loved hearing the happy tunes until the timer went off around 11pm *giggle/snort*. Jason and I literally had the busiest December ever this year! There was not even 1 weekend that we didn't have to do something or be somewhere - but we had lots of fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. We were swamped, too. Must needs girl time!
