Thursday, August 11, 2016


Society’s standard of beauty has changed dramatically over the past 50 years, and I have to say that it hasn’t been for the better. The idea that all women need to be stick thin with killer abs and huge (most likely fake) perky boobs in order to be considered beautiful is kinda fucked up completely unrealistic. A healthy weight should be the overall goal for anyone to strive towards.

So there I was...sweating my butt off, bending my body in unnatural ways....throwing mind daggers at my new fitness trainer....about to faint....about to vomit...really wanting a glass of wine even though I knew it would totally undo all of my efforts, when it occurred to me...why am I putting myself through this??! I looked around the room and saw all different body types in the same state of disgust and I wondered is this really even good for us? Do we want to lift weights till we vomit and faint? Will that really make us healthier? Maybe. Will I go back again? Most Likely. But my point is why? What is the point of all this? Beauty? Acceptance? Sadomasochistic Tendencies? Or am I trying to be healthy and fit? I'll get back to you when I have an answer! LOL!

Back in the Renaissance days….a curvier woman was highly sought after because they were considered healthy, rich and fertile. If you were too thin, you were basically written off as a sickly barren peasant that would end up all alone with a serious case of cankle envy. Why? Because all the men were hot and bothered by the larger ladies due to her birth giving hips, healthy body and scrumptious pocket book!

Haha –looking at the picture above I can totally imagine what the guys on the dating scene back then were saying, “Ohhh check out the hottie with the big hips devouring that turkey leg….she’ll give me many strong sons. Give me another turkey leg and a bottle of wine so I can lure this juicy fox into my bed”.

The early 1900’s liked a curvy woman as well….although that waist cincher is a little whack so don’t be feeding this one any turkey legs…or food in general. She looks like she could toss her cookies at any moment.

Even Marilyn Monroe was a bustier, curvy woman that is still an icon and considered one of the most beautiful women of all time! Just look at those curves....she was a babe!

So what the hell happened?? When did the world decide that it was no longer okay to be voluptuous and curvy? When did the hourglass figured average sized woman get marked with the label of 'fat and undesirable'?

When did skinny become the targeted desired body type for all women?

I honestly blame Twiggy.
She was so stinkin’ cute & let’s face it….. skinny looked great on a fun cute little teenager body kind of way - but not as a prototype that all women should strive towards. Not everyone can pull the skinny-sexy look off!!
For real though…. can someone please go back in time and give Twiggy a cookie??
At some point beauty standards swapped places with the skinny girls from Renaissance times!! Those skinny girls must have been reincarnated into current times and are retaliating and giving the larger ladies a dose of their own medicine!! Now extra weight is no longer a sign of wealth…’s a sign that you can’t afford to ‘eat clean’ or hire a personal trainer!

When will the world begin to realize that all women are built differently and shouldn’t be held to the same standards of size or beauty?

We are currently living in an age of insecurity where eating disorders are trendy, depression is rampant, plastic surgery is commonplace and self-worth is based purely on physical beauty.

I have friends of all shapes and sizes and not one of them is 100% happy or satisfied with the way that they look. They are constantly comparing themselves against celebrities or photo shopped fake images of ‘perfection’ on the Internet and in popular magazines.

Even actresses have to be seriously thin in order to be considered beautiful, sexy and perfect or they have to play the funny fat girl in a comedy series or movie…..because in Hollywood if you’re fat you better be fucking hilarious if you actually want to get a job.
God forbid they get captured at a bad angle or on the beach with a little extra junk in the trunk because the next morning they will either be rumored to be pregnant or have their left ass cheek blown up on a tabloid with the title "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHICH CELEBRITY HAS CELLULITE!"

I mean, really?? Good grief.

The body shaming that women have to endure is ridiculous. But what bugs me the most is that not only is this trend affecting fully grown women, it’s also poisoning girls of young and impressionable ages against their own bodies. I have heard stories of young girls that have absolutely no weight problems walking around making themselves vomit or starving themselves because they think they are fat or even self mutilating themselves because they have a distorted self image of their body...maybe it is because of bullying or maybe it's what they see on social media....who knows - but it's sad!

Even grown women are having multiple plastic surgeries to be prettier, having dangerous lap band surgeries to help them lose weight, and liposuctions / tummy tucks are very common. We live in a very vain society where we seek these things out to help us feel better about the way we look.

Is it wrong? No- of course not... there is nothing wrong with doing something that will make you feel better about yourself...but my point is that we should not base our self worth or beauty on physical appearance!

Beauty will fade!
We will all eventually get old and wrinkly - and if our self value is based purely on physical beauty - then we will be seriously pathetic and sad lil old ladies one day.
It totally sickens me to see how people treat one another...women making comments about other women or men making cruel derogatory comments about a woman whose shape and size doesn't meet the industry standard of perfection. Even if the person is unhealthy... there is never a good excuse to embarrass someone or make loud comments that they can hear when you are out and about. Yes I have seen that happen before!
I seriously hope the karma bus comes for bullies and deposits lots of high calorie processed refined sugary treats directly into your ass because you totally deserve it. It is one thing to have your own views of beauty... but it is another thing entirely to actively bully, body shame and insult another human being.
Enough is Enough!

Can we please usher society into a trend of love and acceptance...where ladies can strive to be healthy and fit without ridicule and the added pressure of fitting into size zero jeans, having an amazing six pack and a huge pair of fake boobs?

No one is built the same and we weren't meant to be! Besides....the world is far more interesting a place when there is a lot of variety! Just ask the Dove ladies!

Ok- I know what you are thinking. Someone must have made fun of me or I am feeling fat today....but that is actually not the case at all. I am just a normal woman and mother who is fed up with a seriously superficial world. And maybe I am cranky and sore from the crazy strength and conditioning workout classes I've been taking. Or maybe I want to be able to drink 3 glasses of wine and flaunt my wine bloated bootay out and about without feeling weird about wearing my couch yoga pants. Heehee....ok I never feel weird about my wine pants, who am I kidding!

It really doesn't matter what motivated me to write this blog.....I just want to say that everyone needs to work on their inner beauty too....even if you are the most heavenly creature that anyone has ever laid eyes upon.... as a society, we need to quit being so mean and judgemental of each other! Life is not only about the way we look on the outside. Be good to each other. XXOO


  1. Agreed!! We'r all perfectly imperfect and should celebrate our sagging, volupteous (where's the damn spell checker thingy when you need it, lol), gorgeous, bodies.
