Thursday, March 1, 2018


1. Understand that everything that tastes good will eventually make you fat if you consume too much of it. Even wine.

2. You probably won’t ever win the lottery.

3. People *really are* that selfish and very few of them will ever realize it.

4. Higher expectations = higher risk of disappointment. No expectations = 100% risk of disappointment.

5. There is no such thing as completely unsubscribing from junk mail or email.

6. You will always have friends that you are there for, who won’t be there for you, but don't let that turn you into a bad friend.

7. Every good deed is immediately forgotten the second after a bad deed has been committed.

8. People will use you, gossip about you, & lie to you, but that should not change how you react to life. You control your own behavior.

9. You are not going to agree with everyone, and you can’t make everyone agree with you. But you don’t have to be a dick about it. And that's ok.

10. There will never be enough hours in the day. Cut the stuff from your schedule that doesn’t matter to you.

11. You might not accomplish every single goal you set, and that is ok. Life is not only about you. It's about the people we meet, the experiences we make, and the impact we have along the journey.

12. Life comes at you fast, but it can be taken away even faster. Remember to smile and not let the bad experiences in this world change who you are. Life is made up of good, and bad...and it's both of those components that make us who we are.

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